HolistiCRM blog

Welcome to our blog section, where we delve into the dynamic world of tech innovation intertwined with AI technologies, machine learning, and digital campaigns. Stay updated on the latest trends in SEO, automatization, big data, and digital funnels as we explore the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing strategies fueled by AI advancements.

AI scans RNA ‘dark matter’ and uncovers 70,000 new viruses –

AI has discovered around 70,000 previously unknown viruses in a recent study, enhancing our understanding of biological processes and public health. The study used AI to analyze RNA sequences, often referred to as ‘dark matter’ due to their unknown properties. This approach bypasses limitations of traditional virus identification methods, increasing our knowledge of viruses and their impacts on ecosystems and human health. This discovery also opens possibilities for future research and proactive disease management. This use of AI parallels in martech where it can analyze ‘dark matter’ of consumer behavior data, predicting trends and improving business performance.

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Researchers question AI’s ‘reasoning’ ability as models stumble on math problems with trivial changes – TechCrunch

HolistiCrm plans to address the limitations of AI reasoning capabilities, highlighted in a recent TechCrunch article, by continuously improving and training their AI models to adapt to changes and perform effectively in evolving business environments. By enhancing adaptability and resilience, HolistiCrm aims to offer more accurate predictions and strategies and stay competitive in the market.

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Unlocking next-generation AI capabilities with healthcare AI models – Microsoft

Microsoft is developing healthcare-specific AI models to improve patient care, operational efficiency, and medical research. The advanced AI models offer improved diagnostic accuracy and speed and enable effective analysis of vast datasets for research. As an AI consultancy, HolistiCrm can customize these AI models for healthcare providers, improving clinical and administrative performance. The use of AI in healthcare could revolutionize traditional practices, provide unprecedented value, and enhance customer satisfaction.

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AI research gets two Nobel wins in one week – Axios

Recent research in AI, recognized with two Nobel Prizes, highlights the technology’s maturity and potential for practical applications in business. HolistiCrm, an AI consultancy and agency, uses this enhanced AI to create custom marketing models, drive customer satisfaction and add robustness to core business operations. The Nobel wins underscore the significant role AI plays in modern business practices.

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How AI-powered science search engines can speed up your research –

AI-powered science search engines are speeding up research by quickly sifting through vast databases to find relevant literature. These systems offer improved accuracy, as they can understand the context of research queries, and continuously adapt to user interactions. HolistiCrm, an AI agency, highlights this technology’s potential in business functions, such as marketing. Using AI, businesses can optimize content delivery, analyze marketing strategies’ performance and learn from customer interactions to refine marketing strategies.

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Google’s Nobel prize winners stir debate over AI research – Reuters

Google, in collaboration with Nobel laureates, is leading breakthroughs in the field of AI, transforming marketing through predictive analytics, personalization, and resource optimization. These advancements highlight the need for cross-disciplinary approaches, ethical considerations, and the utilization of high-level expertise in AI development. The use of custom AI, as exemplified by AI agency HolistiCrm, enables businesses to boost customer satisfaction, improve marketing efforts, and drive growth. At the same time, they underscore the importance of using AI responsibly.

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New Accenture Research Finds that Companies with AI-Led Processes Outperform Peers – Newsroom | Accenture

The use of AI in businesses can lead to greater operational efficiencies and market competitiveness by processing data more effectively and responding to customer needs more rapidly. One key use-case is in marketing to drive customer insights, increase ROI and adapt quickly to market changes. HolistiCrm, an AI consultancy and agency, urges businesses to not only adopt AI but to evolve these tools in alignment with business goals for maximum results.

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